Wednesday 20 February 2013

Small Staffy Male - approx 2 years of age - Black and White - Found in ChellHeath ST6 area.




CALL 01782 835332

Sunday 10 February 2013


************EMERGENCY SITUATION***********
At 12 noon today a tall blonde haired lady walked into a pound in the Derby area, claiming to be from Boxer Rescue. She walked out with an 8 yr old Boxer. The woman was driving a Black "60" reg Estate car.
The Boxer has now vanished, it was not transported to its destination as was thought. If any of you see or hear of someone matching the description with a Boxer you haven't seen them with before please contact one or all of the following people. Click on the name to be forwarded to there FB profile and PM them.

Saturday 9 February 2013

Collecting and distributing over 240 Tons of life saving aid for the strays of Romania, how we accomplished that?

Because we are a small charity trying to do a large charities job, and are very much a minority in the UK as we focus on helping the animals of Romania. We have to work so very hard to gain support let alone help towards the animals we are trying to help. So, because we are a little different to most UK charities, we have to sometimes think outside of the box.

We know all too well that times are very tough on everyone, and if you rely solely on donations to survive a small charity like us will go down the pan, and the strays that are relying so heavily on us to not let them down, we simply could not afford to sit back and give up.

So, we sit back and had to rethink how could we increase the help we were providing for the strays without having to rely solely on financial support? We already were struggling paying the huge costs of transports, vet bills, food bills and so on...To add something else to our bow could possibly have a negative effect.

The answer was staring us in the face, from experience it is easier for a group of people to band together and collect specific items rather than relying on one or two people to send a financial donation. This is when we started to appeal for aid, the actual goods that we would normally struggle to buy.  The response was amazing, so many people wanted desperately to help but because of financial restrictions they were unable to do so....But now we had provided them an avenue where they could do something. They were able to approach family and friends, local vets and pet food companies to feed the starving dogs and cats. Those that could sew approached hotels and bric a brac shops for materials to hand make dog coats and beds.

In a matter of weeks the same kind hearted souls who previously felt useless to help the strays were out there and filing up their boots and vans. It was simply amazing.

However, it was up to us to get that precious aid to where it was needed most. How on earth were we going to do that without it costing us thousands every month? What we did was start to organise our own transports, we were paying so much already to companies to do what we were more than able to do.

We had the network and connections and it was realised how we could save our charity money by organising our own transports at half the cost of what we were previously paying, but when the cages were empty from when adopters collected the dogs and cats from us, we then would simply fill that space with the aid....all this worked beautifully. In fact, it is because of all this that last year alone our charity collected and distributed over 240 tons of food, medical treatment, bedding and so on.

There was one huge downfall to what would seem like a iron clad plan....Time and resources! In reality AAFA are a few main trustees and a handful of wonderful volunteers, we simply did not have the time to take on all this and still fundraise to pay for things that could not be donated but were needed urgently. Things such as vet care, funding for rescues and so on.

We looked for so many ways that we could allocate our time to organising transports and collecting aid, but also to maintain the focus on fundraising to ensure bills were paid. Gift aid was the answer...

Each transport we fill with our own rescued Rommies but sometimes there are spaces left empty.  What we did was drop the donation adoption fee and simply as the adopters to donate towards the transport cost of there new family member. Because the monies are a donation we were allowed to claim gift aid...and this was the key to allow us not just to get the rescues Rommies out of Romania to safe loving homes, but to get life saving aid back to the ones left behind and... also raise funds for the ones that need treatment and financial support.the they say is history.

Because of the initiatives above, last year alone we were able to help:
  • 1,038 rescued animals to find safety in the United Kingdom and other areas of Europe.
  • To collect and distribute over 240 tons of aid to help the starving and rescued animals
  •  To financially donate over £12,000 towards veterinary care to save the lives/treat victims of animal abuse and cruelty

Please help us to continue our work, to help us save the lives of so very many that need us.

CLICK HERE for a list of aid that is so desperately needed, and if you can help contact Val Guy by emailing her and she can advise you of the drop off points where we can then collect from you to distribute to the animals who need it the most.

Friday 8 February 2013

How we help shelter dogs escape the horrific cycle of cruelty

Action Aid for Animals has many facets, one being our active involvement in helping the dogs from various Public Shelters ( Dog death camps) in various ways.

Depending upon what is reported to us about various shelters we will step into action and implement the following.
  • Petition and actively seek to meet with local authorities
  • Mediate between local animal welfare groups and city halls seeking to gain the groups entrance into the shelters
  • Provide Aid and financial help for vet costs, food and to pay for the release fee for a dog
  • Actively help local animal welfare groups to find forever homes for the dogs rescued from the shelters
  • Provide financial support for outside vets to visit the shelters and provide real veterinary care and to vaccinate against disease
  • Provide financial support for shelter dogs to be took to an outside vet and be spayed/neutered


Brutal Cruelty and Neglect

For the most part the majority of public shelters in Romania do not want the public let alone outsiders knowing what truly goes on behind the blood stained fur encrusted fencing and walls.

However it is all too well known that in these places the most horrendous cruelty and ardent abuse is carried out, in some shelters positively encouraged by the local municipalities. Below is just a brief list of goes on every single day in the majority of public dog shelters in Romania.

Overcrowding - Rather than spend public money on efficient catch, neuter and release programme the majority of municipalities will brutally catch dogs regardless of age, gender or health and throw them into huge fenced of areas.  There is no sectioning for size, gender, health or temperament.

Vicious attacks - What this means is the weaker, smaller or shyer dogs are viciously killed by larger stronger desperate packs within their kennels. Female dogs may come into season, this does not mean that they want to breed. Female dogs are brutally raped by packs of dogs over and over, for many of the male shelter workers this is hysterical to watch.

Females and Puppies - If the female is impregnated which of course is highly likely, if she survives long enough in these disease ridden hell holes, she is forced to try and give birth in the same kennel defending her pups as they are being born from being attacked or seen as a food source for other dogs motivated by starvation.

The puppies themselves if there mother is able to successfully defend them, will more than likely die an excruciating painful death from Parvo and Distemper caused by the filth and disease that is everywhere around them. They haven't the immunisation or strength to fight such disease as their mother simply hasn't the vitamins etc through her milk to pass onto them as she is starving herself.

For the pups who amazingly do not catch such diseases they will then start to wander through the huge gaps in the pens, entering into other kennels only then to be attacked and killed by the dogs in there.

Starvation and Disease - It is very easy to believe that the dogs are being fed because each city hall is allocated thousands and thousands of euros each year to care for and feed the dogs in its regional shelters. However the level of corruption is so disgustingly high. that no food is bought, or if bought the lowest of quality and barest minimum of food is given, whatever money is left over goes into the pockets of the shelter manager ( normally related in some way to the mayor)

Brutality and Inhumane Slaughter - The brutality and cruelty of the dog catchers in Romania is legendary,  so it will come as no surprise that considering the bulk of dog catchers also work at the public shelters the dogs are their prime targets for abuse and the most vilest of cruelty. In such places they have access to the dogs to beat, rape and kill in the most horrific of ways. In some shelters it is known the shelter workers have gambling nights using the defenceless dogs and pups as bait dogs for the dog fights they illegally organise and hold at the shelters.

Dog Killing is Big Business - Many ask why is all this allowed to go on, even positively encouraged by the local mayors and local police turning a blind eye? Simply put, the strays are big business in Romania.  A dog catcher will earn more money by catching and killing a dog than if the mayor and city officials advocated catch neuter and spay. To catch a dog, to keep it in a kennel, to kill it and to cremate it all is paid for by city hall.

The process above for each dog will put approx 110 euros into the pockets of the dog catchers and shelter management ( normally related to the mayor in some way)  Keeping in mind they will invoice city hall for food that is then sold on to private individuals and the dogs are left to starve, that the killing is not humane but brutal with beatings and iron bars. yet the shelter vet will claim they euthanised humanely despite evidence proving the contrary.

For that same dog, to catch, neuter and release the dog back to where it was found, would only bring in approx 45 euros per dog, it would stop the stray problem all together in under 8 years but where then would the dog catchers be able to cream off such a huge profit if the mayors would actually do what the rest of the civilised world knows is the only effective way to deal with increasing strays!

Wednesday 21 March 2012

From Romanian street dog to Landlord of a Berkshire Pub in the UK- Well done Moby

From Street dog to landlord of a Berkshire pub

Our charity first was contacted as Moby along with another stray called Princess, they both were under real threat of being either thrown back onto the streets or put into a yard with a vicious dog known to attack others.

We jumped into action and started contacting various Romanian groups in our network of friends. Raluca Simion of GIA helped us find a safe foster placement for these two little furry angels.

This was last year and with help from Wilhemena Murray who shared the foster fees, together we all helped care for these two until our charity transported them to the UK last month.

Last week we got a phone call from Victoria, one of the K9 angels, 3 women in the south of England who actively foster, home check and find adopters for the doggies that our charity helps in various ways. Princess had already been adopted but Moby still was looking for a home.

Victoria had some wonderful news, Moby not only had found an amazing new family, but he had really landed on all four paws by landing himself the role as doggy landlord of the family business, a Berkshire Pub.

Today Victoria visited Moby to see how he was getting on, he had just got back from a long walk with his new family by the river and it was obvious how very happy and loved our little Moby was.

So this is to thank everyone involved in Mobys rescue, care and re homing...and this is one time we can say to one of our rescued pooches...drinks on you then Moby?

Tuesday 8 November 2011




This is a direct translation from the UK GOV DEFRA site.....Hope this helps.

Aducerea animalelor de companie in UK dupa 1 Ianuarie 2012

Din 1 Ianuarie 2012, regulile pentru aducerea unui caine, pisici sau nevastruici in UK se vor schimba. Pana atunci, regulile in vigoare continua sa fie relevante pentru animalele de companie venind in UK. Mai multe informatii la:

Nu amanati- informati-va despre legi cu multa vreme inaintea plecarii. Daca doriti sa va intoarceti in UK cu animalul de companie dupa o excursie in strainatate, sau intentionati sa va aduceti animalul in UK pentru prima oara, trebuie sa fiti informati despre schimbarile in legislatia pentru intrarea unui animal de companie in UK care intra in vigoare la 1 Ianuarie 2012.

Aveti responsabilitatea sa va asigurati ca animalul dumneavoastra indeplineste toate cerintele pentru a intra in UK. Asigurati-va ca toate formalitatile au fost effectuate in ordinea corecta, iar documentele sunt completate correct. Altfel, animalul dumneavoastra ar putea sa nu intre in tara, sau sa intre in carantina la intrarea in tara. Asta inseamna intarzieri si, in plus, va va costa bani.

Legile sunt in fuctie de tara din care veniti cand intrati in UK:

Tarile member UE- vedeti Partea A

Tarile non-UE aprobate – aflate pe pagina urmatoare, dar va rugam sa verificati la pentru cele mai recente actualizari. – vedeti Partea A

Tarile ne-aprobate (nu in UE sau neaparand pe pagina urmatoare)- vedeti Partea B.

Tarile si teritoriile non-UE aprobate


Antigua & Barbuda



Ascension Island






BES Islands (Bonair, Saint

Eustatius and Saba)*


British Virgin Islands


Cayman Islands




Falkland Islands


French Polynesia



Hong Kong











New Caledonia

New Zealand


Russian Federation*

Saint Maarten*

San Marino


St Helena

St Kitts & Nevis

St Lucia

St Pierre & Miquelon

St Vincent

& The Grenadines



Trinidad and Tobago

United Arab Emirates*

USA (mainland)



Wallis & Futuna

*Asteriscul inseamna ca exista informatii specifice pentru aceasta tara, asa ca va rugam sa vizitati pentru detalii: for latest list.

Este animalul dumneavoastra pregatit corespunzator?

PARTEA A- Intrarea in UK din tarile membre UE si tarile aprobate non-UE:

Pentru ca animalul dumneavoastra sa poata intra in UK din aceste tari, trebuie sa puteti raspunde afirmativ la urmatoarele intrebari:

Este microcipat?

Este vaccinat impotriva rabiei?

A fost vaccinat dupa ce a fost microcipat?

Aveti un Pasaport de animale de companie Tip UE sau Certificat official de la veterinar care certifica microciparea si vaccinarea?

Au trecut 21 de zile de la vaccinare?

Calatoriti in UK cu animalul dumneavoastra pe o ruta aprobata? **

PARTEA B: Intrarea in UK din tarile ne-aprobate:

Pentru ca animalul dumneavoastra sa intre in UK din aceste tari, trebuie sa raspundeti cu da la urmatorii pasi:

Este microcipat?

Este vaccinat impotriva rabiei?

A fost vaccinat dupa ce a fost microcipat?

I s-a racoltat proba de sange pentru analiza cel putin la 30 de zile dupa ce a fost vaccinat?

A trecut testul de sange? (veterinarul va va spune)

Aveti un Pasaport de animale de companie Tip UE* sau Certificat oficial de la veterinar care certifica microcipul, vaccinarea si rezultatul analizei de sange?

Au trecut 3 luni de cand a fost recoltata proba de sange?

Calatoriti in UK cu animalul dumneavoastra pe o ruta aprobata? **

* Nota- Daca animalul dumneavoastra a trecut testul de sange si i s-a eliberat un pasaport de animale de companie Tip UE inainte sa paraseasca UK sau alta tara UE pentru a merge intr-o tara ne-aprobata, perioada de 3 luni de asteptare pana la re-intrarea in UK nu va fi necesara (dar toate celelalte reguli sunt in vigoare).

** Pentru anumiti caini de asistenta medicala, acestia trebuie sa calatoreasca intr-un aeroport aprobat. Vizitati pagina noastra de internet pentru mai multe informatii.

Mai multe informatii

Tratament pentru capuse si tenie/paraziti interni

Cerintele pentru tratamentul de tenie urmeaza sa fie confirmate, asa ca sunteti sfatuiti sa verificati pagina de internet Defra inainte de a calatori. Tratamente contra capuselor si teniei sunt inca recomandate. Este ideal, cel mai bine pentru sanatatea dumneavoastra si a animalului dumneavoastra, sa va tratati animalul pentru capuse si tenie inaintea intoarcerii in UK. Consultati-va cu veterinarul dumneavoastra pentru mai multe recomandari.

Calatoria in strainatate cu animalul dumneavoastra

Regulile pentru calatoria din UK in alte tari nu se vor modifica. Stapanii de animale din UK care doresc sa isi ia cu ei animalele de companie in strainatate ar trebui sa contacteze Agentia pentru Sanatatea Animalelor si de Laboratoare Veterinare (AHVLA) pentru detalii pentru cerintele de export pentru tara respectiva. Email:

Animale de companie in carantina

Stapanii de animale cu animale care intra in carantina de la 3 Iulie 2011 pana la 31 decembrie 2011 ar putea sa aiba animalele de companie eliberate din carantina de la 1 Ianuarie 2012 si inainte de expirarea celor 6 luni de carantina, daca si-au pregatit animalele sa indeplineasca regulile UE. Vedeti pagina de internet DEFRA pentru mai multe informatii.

Pentru mai multe detalii

Acest document contine numai un rezumat al regulilor, asa ca va rugam sa vizitati pagina de internet pentru cele mai recente si complete informatii despre regulile de intrarea animalelor de companie in UK.

Pagina web:


Helpline: +44 (0)870 241 1710

Nota: Acest document contine doar un rezumat al regulilor. Desi am facut tot posibilul sa ne asiguram ca detaliile sunt corecte pana la data de 30 iunie 2011, regulile se chimba cateodata, Asa ca va rugam sa vizitati pagina de internet pentru cele mai recente si complete informatii despre regulamentul intrarii animalelor de companie in UK.